Stack and earn more than 6%* p.a. nett returns with Versa Quests!

Are you ready for a Quest (or two)? Set forth with us to unlock and stack more returns in your Versa Save with our latest feature – Versa Quests!

On your app homepage, click “Rewards” to find your Quest page.

There are 4 available Quests for you to earn 6%* p.a. nett returns or more from: 

  • Save Booster Quest
  • Invest Booster Quest
  • Retirement Booster Quest
  • Versama-sama Referral Quest

By completing any of these Quests, you’ll be eligible to stack and earn 6%* or MORE nett returns in Versa Save!

Here’s how much nett returns you can stack with each Quest:

Note: Each Quest is refreshed at the start of each month. To continue earning stacked returns, be sure to complete the Quests every month!

7.84%* p.a. is based on July 2024’s Versa Cash base nett return rate and if you complete all Quests within the same month.
[LIMITED TIME] Versa Users can earn an extra 2% p.a. nett booster rate for the Retirement Booster Quest upon successful min. RM250 auto debit transaction by 7 October 2024 into any PRS funds via Versa. This offer is one-time only and won’t apply to auto debit transactions after 7 October 2024.

Here’s how you could mix, match and stack with each Quest: 

Above is an illustration of how much returns you can earn based on the Quests you complete.

*T&Cs apply.

How does each Quest work? Tap any of the below to find out more!

Save Booster Quest

Invest Booster Quest

Retirement Booster Quest

Versama-sama Referral Quest

Frequently Asked Questions

1. [Save / Invest / Retirement Booster Quest]
Can I manually cash in to Versa Save, Versa Invest or PRS funds via Versa every month instead?

2. [Invest / Retirement Booster Quest]
Can I set up an auto debit plan for Versa Cash or Versa Cash-i instead?

3. [Save Booster Quest]
Can I set up more than 1 auto debit plan into Versa Save?

4. [Invest Booster Quest]
Can I set up more than 1 auto debit plan into Versa Invest?

5. [Retirement Booster Quest]
Can I set up more than 1 auto debit plan into PRS funds via Versa?

6. [Save / Invest / Retirement Booster Quest]
Is there a cut-off time for setting up my auto debit plans?

7. [Save / Invest / Retirement Booster Quest]
What happens when my bank account balance is less than the amount set in my Auto Debit plan?

8. [Save / Invest / Retirement Booster Quest]
What happens if the name on my Versa account doesn’t match the name on my bank account?

9. [Versama-sama Referral Quest]
Can I earn more than +0.5% p.a. nett returns if I refer more friends?

10. Will I automatically enjoy boosted returns in subsequent months after completing the Quest(s) this month?

11. When do I earn my Versa Quests rewards?

12. Are Versa Quests’ rewards before or after fees?

13. Will my rewards be credited into my Versa Cash or Versa Cash-i account?

14. When will I receive my earnings from the campaign?

Start stacking your returns today! 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here. 💬