Quests – Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is Versa Quests?

Versa Quest is our latest feature that allows you to stack and enjoy more returns! Simply complete any Quests via the app to start growing your Versa Cash OR Versa Cash-i account today.

2. What can I get from Versa Quests?

You can stack multiple “booster rates” by completing different tasks! The booster rates are applicable to Versa Save funds (Versa Cash OR Versa Cash-i) and are applicable on a monthly basis.

3. Where will I receive my booster rate reward(s)?

The Quest reward will be credited to your Versa Cash fund or Versa Cash-i fund, whichever funds have a higher available balance as of the last day of the eligible month during the Quest Period. 

If your Versa Cash and Versa Cash-i have the same available balance, Versa Cash will be the default fund to be rewarded.

4. When can I receive the reward?

You will receive the rewards  in the following month in the form of “Rebates”.

For example, you are eligible for the Money Booster Quest – Investment in August 2024, the reward will be credited to your Versa Save in September 2024.
The reward will be credited to your Versa Cash fund or Versa Cash-i fund, whichever fund with the higher available balance as of the last day of the eligible month during the Quest Period.

5. Where can I track my rewards?

You may track your rewards under the “Bonus” section in the transaction history.

The reward is in the form of “Rebates”

6. Can I get rewards from more than 1 Quest?

Yes! There is no limit to the number of Quest you can complete. Versa Quest allows you to stack and enjoy more returns! Simply complete any Quest in the app to start growing your Versa Cash OR Versa Cash-i account today.

7. Which month will my booster rate(s) be applicable?

You will be eligible for the respective booster rate(s) on month(s) where the Quest’s required tasks are all completed. The booster rate(s) will be credited to your account in the following month.

8. What if I cash out from my Versa Cash/Cash-i and the balance is now below RM1,000.00?

You will be ineligible for the rewards for the days your balance is below RM1,000.00.

The Booster Rate will only account for the days that your Versa Cash OR Cash-i has a minimum balance of RM1,000.00.

Please refer to the Quest’s Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) which can be found in the individual Quest page for further information or contact our Customer Service representative.